Daylight Savings Saved My Life

Okay, so that is a slight exaggeration, but for the past 6-7 weeks, I have been struggling to wake up in the morning and just an overall lack of energy throughout the day.  I assumed it was the change of the season, and it seems to a certain extent that I was right.  More specifically, the fact that it was staying dark so much later in the morning.  I would leave for work under a blackened sky, and it would stay that way until long after I settled into my cozy office at work.  

Well, I am happy to report that with the falling back of time this past weekend, I have a renewed energy!  It is light before I finish getting ready for work in the morning and I seem to have adjusted accordingly.  Now, believe me, I understand that it won't last for long.  But it at least gave me a chance to catch up, which I hope will allow me to adjust a bit easier when the morning darkness returns.  

Did you struggle with the changing of the seasons this Fall?  How did you compensate for your lack of energy?

I am embarking on a new challenge/adventure this week, and am looking forward to the next few weeks.  I will share a bit more once I am successfully on my journey (no, it's not pregnancy! ha!).  Stay tuned for more details over the next few weeks!

Is that too much of a tease?  Okay, I'll give you a hint.  It has to do with healthy living.  Any guesses?