Friendships of the 21st Century-Variety

It might seem a strange title, but I find myself wishing that nurturing friendships was a bit easier in this day and age. Remember the days when your friends lived five minutes from you (maybe even walking distance! gasp!) and you got together regularly, dare I even say, spontaneously?!  I miss those days.  

{ so many friends not represented here but I'm on the wrong computer so I don't have access to photos! }

Don't get me wrong, I am just as guilty of being "too busy" or having to "schedule" time with friends, but I often daydream about all of my friends living on the same street, stopping in for tea and a good catch-up whenever the mood strikes.  We would have BBQs every weekend, our husbands would all be best friends... Then the dream bubble bursts and I realize that people are busy.  Plain and simple.  If you want to maintain and nurture friendships, you have to coordinate schedules and find times that work well for everyone, often 2-3 weeks in advance.  

I hope to get better at this in 2014.  I hope to make an effort to be more available to my friends - both near and far! - and to always be open to making new ones.

Who's with me?  

Do you find this same struggle with your friendships?  Ahhh to go back to simpler times...