{ Boring } Tales of our Backyard Experiment

Listen, I get it.  This is likely not interesting to anyone but us.  And even we are only mildly interested in the goings on in our back yard.  So we don't blame you if you skip right past this post entirely.  I do, however, want to document the transformation for all of the projects we do at our house.  So, here we go...

Over the past few weeks everything bloomed really quickly - including the weeds!  We need to have a few trees removed, and are then going to be tilling and reseeding our entire back yard.  

Step one was weed removal (The really annoying part?  I am pretty sure these are the same weeds we pulled last Fall!  We just can't get ahead of the curve on this project with just the two of us... but we are determined!), and since Chris had to work all last weekend on a tight deadline, I was determined to tackle it myself.  That is until our awesome neighbor, Sarah, so kindly offered to help!  Seriously who offers to help weed someone else's back yard?!  It was actually really nice to have some help, but even more than that to get to know Sarah a bit better.  We chatted nonstop as we carried on weeding for nearly 3 hours!  We basically finished the entire yard in that time!  I had a lot of other general cleanup that I managed to get done before she came over, so I spent nearly my entire Saturday on the yard.  But it was worth it!  It was really nice out, not too hot, and it looks so much better!

Now fingers crossed that we can get the trees removed in the next few weeks before the weeds return!  But, seriously, who knew that having trees taken out was so darn expensive?!  This creates a minor speed bump as we can't move forward until the trees are gone.  Here's where we get creative!  I'm sure we will come up with something...

{ before photos }

{ in-progress photos }

We have found a ton of these flagstone (?) pavers throughout the back yard and are hoping to use them for a little fire pit project sometime this century!

We are in a bit of a time crunch to get the back yard in a bit better state as I am finally having knee surgery next Friday.  So we will see what we can do about having the trees removed and get it all leveled and reseeded before I am out of commission for a bit.

Fingers crossed that after photos arrive sometime this summer! Ha...