Snowshoeing Fun

On Sunday, Chris and I carved out some time from our afternoon to go for a beautiful drive up in the mountains.  Oh, and we decided to throw our snowshoes in for good measure.  The destination we had in mind, ended up having weather much like that of a warm Spring day, which also meant no snow.  So we carried on a bit further, and finally came across enough snow to break out the snowshoes.  

It was my first time, so it took a bit of adjusting to the "duck walk" that I felt like I was doing.  But once I got the hang of it, I really enjoyed it!  It was another big reminder that my lungs haven't had much of a workout the past 6 months, due to my knee, but inspiring to get out and brush out my cobweb-filled lungs.  Filling them with fresh, mountain air couldn't feel better!

Overall, it was a very nice and active weekend.  I was, of course up and right back at it yesterday morning for another early morning yoga session, and have now hit the 30% completion mark with today's class.  A very good feeling! Another update coming later this week on that front.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are having a great week so far!